I’m currently working on automation of SCCM software updates using Powershell.
I spend a lot of time on the following extremly simple task.
1. a function creates a list with updates
2. the same function returns the .count of the array of updates
3. the return value is added to an global variable of type Int32
And: Baaaahm -> System.Object[] can not be converted into System.Int32
Where the hell is the System.Object[] coming from? The return was an Int32!
See your self:
function returnTest { 1..30 $array = 1..30 return $array.count } returnTest.gettype()
After I regocognized this behavoir of retrun, I found a very good blog about that:
So, make sure to throw away everything expect the return value with [void] or pipe to out-null.
As an alternativ, make sure return is the last command in the function.
So you can grab the value you expected from
$retrunvalue[$returnvalue.length-1] …